Visitor Management



Global Computing Solutions have teamed up with InVentry Visitor Management Systems to offer the best solution at the best possible value to the education sector. Established in 2010, InVentry have come a long way, created with an honest goal to streamline and perfect the school sign in process, InVentry was originally a simple touchscreen system that could replace the old paper method. They saw that there were too many risks and potential for errors with paper registers, generic sticker labels for visitors and hand-written late slips, with no way to easily compile and analyse all this information.

Today InVentry have brought the process fully into the digital age. Registers and late slips are on the console for easy access, and visitors are provided with photographic ID quickly and easily, introducing a new level of security to schools.

The InVentry system is truly groundbreaking, and will continue to innovate in the years to come to further streamline the sign in and registration process. InVentry’s in-house software development team continue to work hard on perfecting the technology, and providing bespoke solutions based on all our clients’ exacting needs.






The ultimate solution for protecting your students, and your school.

When choosing a primary school, the top of a parent’s priority list is whether their child will be safe. InVentry know this, which is why they have put so much work into perfecting their data security and sign in protocols. With the InVentry name, parents know that their children are in the most capable hands.



Standard Features of the InVentry Primary School System


  • Pupil Module – Read & Write Integration with your MIS

    A unique feature of the InVentry Primary School System is the exclusive Pupil Module, which automatically imports class lists from your current MIS, avoiding the need for time consuming manual updates. Late pupil tracking is made easy, as each pupil’s mark, actual time of arrival and reason for lateness is recorded and synchronised with the central database and your MIS. Innovative features such as group tracking for simultaneous sign in/out for groups of pupils, and the ability to record the parent or guardian who has collected a child ensures InVentry is a cut above the rest for efficiency and security.


  • InVentry Reception Console with Integrated 20” Touch Screen and Webcam

    This easy to use reception console allows your administration staff full access to search and print reports, as well as manage the system. The touch screen monitor makes the whole system extremely user friendly, as well as giving your reception a modern look. The webcam allows photos to be taken of visitors instantly, in order to create temporary and permanent ID cards.


  • Encrypted USB Backup Device

    As part of the InVentry Primary School System, you will receive a USB flash drive that automatically backs up to your school’s central database. This will ensure that you always have an up-to-date copy of all your school’s sensitive information, securely encrypted for complete security.


  • DBS Check Integration – Your Single Central Record

    DBS Checks (formerly CRB Checks) can be recorded on the database to ensure all staff and visitors are properly verified before entering the premises. DBS approved visitor or staff badges can then be produced, allowing each visitor’s status to be confirmed at a glance.


  • Easy Sign In

    The InVentry Reception Console has the ability to remember previous visitors, allowing returning guests to type the first few characters of their name or select their photo for simple and efficient sign in.


  • Staff Notification – Including Visitor Photo

    Staff members have the ability to be notified the moment a visitor has arrived, either by text message or email.


  • Events Management Module

    With this feature, staff can pre-book visitors into the school for events, such as parents’ evenings or school performances, who will then be supplied barcode enabled passes upon arrival.



As well as the standard primary school features, there are a number of additional modules for more specific requirements.


  • Barcode Scanner for Staff & Regular Visitors

    For an additional cost, InVentry can create unique photo ID badges for regular visitors and staff members. The ID badges are made from high quality plastic and work in conjunction with the optional InVentry Barcode Scanner, allowing the user to sign in and out quickly and easily. The system can even be programmed to record extra information such as the purpose for visiting or reason for leaving.


  • Multiple Entry Point Systems

    If your school contains multiple entrances, additional reception consoles are available, which will work with the central database and update in real time. Quickscan Units are available for extra Staff only entrances.


  • Alternate Language Packs

    For multi-language schools, we offer our full system with the software programmed in any language you require. Our Welsh-English bilingual system is particularly popular for primary schools in Wales, as it allows visitors to select either language before the sign in process begins.



    If you’d like more information about the InVentry Visitor Management System, please contact us using the information below.