Education: Teaching & CPD

Teaching & CPD

We offer Computing and ICT lessons delivered by an experienced teacher that can span the entire Computing and ICT curriculum from Reception to Year 6. High quality computing lessons encourage children to develop computational thinking and creativity and develop understanding of computers and technology. Our lessons develop the key skills expected by the National Curriculum and can prepare children for Computing at secondary school.

Coding Workshops

Planning a science week or wanting to add some variety to your computing lessons? Book one of our workshop sessions and bring the computing curriculum to life with exciting programming and coding lessons. Unless noted, our workshops are open to Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

  • Code Shop: Choose from a selection of hands-on programming activities such as programming a Phiro to work as a remote control car or programming an OhBot to tell a joke. A series of forty minute small group workshops to cover one class in a half-day.
  • Code Factory: Choose two activities from the Code Shop list. Two sessions are run at a time to offer a wider range of experiences.
  • Computing Lessons: A one hour whole class IT lesson. Choose from a list of programming activities suitable for lessons in an IT suite or using class laptops.
  • Game Lab (KS2 Only): An in-depth two hour lesson where children create a game in Scratch… from scratch! No prior knowledge of Scratch is required.

Programming and computing modules

We offer a range of programming modules that cover all of the National Curriculum objectives for programming and computer science. Children can learn to program in challenging and stimulating activities where they code real games and not just exercises. Some of the modules we offer:

  • Scratch – introduces children to the block-based programming language Scratch. Children learn the basic functions of Scratch and key principles of programming.
  • – a range of fun puzzle-based programming courses. Children can work independently and at their own pace with progress saved and recorded online.
  • HTML and web design – for upper Key Stage 2 children who are already familiar with Scratch, this module introduces text-based programming, preparing children for computing at Key Stage 3.

We also offer a full range of multimedia and Digital Literacy modules to give children a broad education in all aspects of Computing and IT.

Bring outstanding Computing teaching into your school

The advantages of our curriculum lessons:

  • Half-day or full-day sessions: Fit IT lessons around your time table. Up to four classes can be taught over one day.
  • PPA cover: Make us a part of your long-term planning. Incorporate regular IT lessons as part of PPA.
  • Assessment: A full breakdown of the progress each child has made is compiled into a report at the end of the booking.


Develop the IT skills of your staff with one of our CPD sessions. Our courses cover a range of topics and can be tailored to suit your needs.

Some of the CPD courses we offer:

  • Introducing programming in Key Stage 1.
  • Getting to grips with Scratch.
  • Getting the most out of Smart Notebook and Smart Learning Suite.


Looking to raise the profile of e-safety at your school? We can present a whole-school assembly and a separate assembly aimed at parents and carers to raise awareness of e-safety.